These 7 inch socks are untreated. The felt is soft, flexible and perfect for trapping floating debris from the water.

The quick version is below; to get all the details go to our website and look under our Resource page.

When you remove socks for cleaning ensure they are empty by shaking them out into a bucket. Since our method uses a washing machine, it is more efficient to collect several sets of dirty socks from previous changes.

Optional - run your washer in a hot rinse cycle to remove all soap residue (normally only necessary in older machines).

Wash socks in hot water with 3 cap fulls (teaspoons) straight bleach (Sodium hypochlorite with no additives). Add an extra rinse cycle. DO NOT Use Detergent.

Place socks in a clean, chemical free environment to dry for at least 48 hours. Should you need socks sooner - place them in a bucket with 2 gallons of water with 1/5 teaspoon of Seachem Prime or similar chlorine remover for 30 minutes is this the best way to clean these?